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Photos Of Dogs And Cats

There were dozens of mutilated dogs and cats in an abandoned house

В заброшенном доме нашли десяток замурованных собак и кошек (фото)In the Oktyabrsk district of Novosibirsk, volunteers found some 10 deteriorated dogs and cats in an abandoned and locked house.

According to the NSG. Novossivo volunteer, who was represented by the European Community on 11 September by the zoos defender in the private sector of the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk, found an abandoned private house with a closed door lock and a welded cali. They found seven cats and four puppies in it. The animals were dry and unlike.

According to Eugenia, cats had dried food, covered with splashes, and the puppies had pelvis with dry food, which dogs greeded.

" The dwarf water in the two pots was on the bottom, and in the room there was an unbearable smell of animal spray " , a girl described.

The defence teams were able to take three cats (two adults and kittens) and four puppies. There are four more cats in the house. The volunteers can't take them to their place. "The cats are not entirely manual, they are under stress," a girl noted.

" The animals that have been taken are at a crossroads. We'll find them a house that loves the masters. We need money for food and treatment. One cat has a suspicion of lishay. She added that for the remaining animals, the zoo protectors would return as soon as they could find their owners.

Local residents told about abandoned and locked in the castle of the house. According to them, there was a man in the house who kept animals. He's gone, and the calibre on the fence. There was always a meowcany and a complaint file, explaining the girl.

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