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How To Know The Dog's Breed

How to determine the breed of the dog

Изображение с названием Identify Your Adopted Mutt Step 1Watch your dog's special features. It will help you determine the characteristics of certain species. Specially try to note:
  • Colour, length, colour
  • Size, proportionality and ear condition
  • Headform
  • Body proportions
  • Length of tail
  • Weight.
  • Height in the lobby

Pay attention to the nature of your dog.Изображение с названием Identify Your Adopted Mutt Step 2 She's lazy, and maybe she's lying around the house all day, or she's got an endless amount of energy? Is she playing? Does she guard the house? Or is it just a little and fluffy dog? All these qualities can help identify those rock groups that are present in your palace's blood, such as a service dog, a little room dog, or a hunting dog. It won't help much, but it narrows your search area.

Find out. Directory of dogs This book and the Internet are very valuable sources. It should be borne in mind that online references will probably contain less information than a real book, but for the sake of convenience, they cannot be discarded. However, they do not describe the nature of the palaces; for example, the hybrids of the bullets that become popular among dogs. The problem with the butchers is that they are characterized by an extremely diverse variety of varieties, and it is therefore difficult to classify them.

Изображение с названием Identify Your Adopted Mutt Step 4Look for characteristic features. If there are no dog images in the directory, press the link. You can go through the reference to a dog that is almost like your dog, so press the appropriate breed down the page.

Check the data. Most dogs are breeding and have owners, although some do come from shelters for homeless animals. If you know the owners or factories of your dog, try to talk to them at least on the phone. They can tell you who the mother was and whether the father belonged to him or was a homeless animal. If you've been able to speak to your previous owner/driver in person, he can show you the parents of your dog or their photos. If the parents were mixed, they would have more signs of their origin. If the dog's taken from the shelter, it's gonna be harder to know her story, though it's gonna be a little useful. In most cases, shelters have records of previous owners as required by law. Some owners refuse their dog and put her in a shelter. In this case, the Rescue Centre can contact them and find out if they had this dog and if they don't know the history of the dog's origin.

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