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Little Dog Species For The Apartment Photos

The smallest species of dogs (six to 30 cm)

  • Small dogs with a height of 15 to 30 cm, some classifications call rooms, decoratives or dogs.
    There are also some terriers in this group. All these dogs are considered the most miniature representatives of the dog world. The size of the dogs allows them to live well, both in a simplicity house and in a small apartment. Little dogs have a small weight, so they can escort their masters around, sitting in their arms or bags. Also because of small size, dogs don't need long walks on the flood, they're easy to go to the toilet. Some of them have excellent exterrier and some have excellent working qualities. Small dogs tend to be friendly, common and smart, but require a lot of attention. The size of these dogs is their most attractive feature, but not the only one!

    It's good for those who want to have a little fun friend. The dog will be happy to play with the kids, he'll steal leisure time for older people. You can't find the best dog company. Height at 15-23 cm, weight 0, 9-3 kg. There are short-short and long-stop variations. Chihuahua is very loyal to his master, sometimes jealous, but never evil!
    So balanced, faithful, with dignity, intelligent, self-sufficient, with some sympathetic tendencies, but always awfully handsome. 15-25 cm, weight 3-6 kg. If there is a negative relationship with the master, it may become a highly stubborn, intransigent and aggressive creature.

    Pomeran spice
    The luxury and obsession of this dog attracts many; its viability and cognitiveness compensate for small growth. Excellent homeboy. Height in chole 18-22 cm, weight 1, 5-3, 5 kg. They're very loyal, loyal, understandable dogs, they're willing to do a lot to celebrate their master.

    Yorkshire Terrier
    A little curiosity dog with disgraceful eyes is joy for everyone to meet her on their way. York... ♪

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