Pupil Species

The biggest pit bullier in the world, named Halk, recently became the father of eight great puppies. Halk belongs to Marlon and Lice Grannan's spouses who hold Dark Dynasty K9s in New Hampshire State in the USA. The technician specializes in dog-protecting. If Halk's puppies can grow elite security dogs, each can reach $55,000. Marlon's been doing every puppy in person since his birth. The dogs live in a pit without fences, barriers and other restrictions. The dogs are so well raised that Grenna can even play with them with their three-year-old son Jordan.
He became the father of eight beautiful puppies.
“This is the most valuable asset we have ever received.”
" From 5 to 7 weeks, we will have a rough idea of how large they will grow. "
"Halk's a luxury giant and a great father. He would love to lick his pups. "
“He does not respond to things that might upset another dog.”
“Halk has shown to the world that dogs of this species may be the best friends.”
"Jordan never bite any of our dogs, and I wouldn't let that happen. By playing with them, he's safe.”