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Different Kinds Of Dogs Of Pictures

Yorkshire terrier dog species (30 photos)

Йоркшир. Красивое фотоYorkshire terrier, or york is one of the smallest dog species born in the nineteenth century in Yorkshire and Lancashire counties, north of England.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, Scottish workers came to Yorkshire County to search for work, taking several varieties of small dogs that were then called the Scottish Terriers. Later, some species were identified: clidesdale terrier, scenery terrier, sliery, Cairo terrier. They probably started a new breed - the yorkshire terrier.
According to another suggestion, a york's anticipation might be a Waterside.Йоркшир-девочка с длинной шерстью. Красивое фото The pond was popular in Yorkshire in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. They were mostly pets of peasants who were banned from holding large-scale dogs capable of harming the land of knowledge. Small terriers were trapped in rodent houses and accompanied by the hosts on visits along canals and rivers.

Iorkov ' s relatives are also terriers from Manchester. There's a possibility that in this process, a Maltese blond who gave a silk and a bright shade of hair.Йоркшир в коробке. Красивое фото It is likely that all the above-mentioned species have contributed little to the formation of Yorkshire terriers.

The new breeding process was followed by textile factories. They removed small dogs with a long blue-blue wool marked by golden browns. At that time, the Yorkshire terriers had a larger and long body and weighed about 6-7 kg.
Poison dogs, then known as the yorkshire blue with silk-silk-silk terrier burnt, have been used for a long period of time in English farmers and industrial workers as rats. They've gained popularity very quickly, pushing out other English terriers. Soon, these smart, vibrant, energetic and fun dogs looked at the lady of light, moving from cones, factories and bars to the luxury beans and guests.

During the period of Queen Victoria ' s rule (1837-1901), which was famous for its love of dogs, the Yorkshire terriers reached a peak of their glory. Ladies from top society loved their pets, loaded them and balled like kids. The charming yorks have been escorted around by their masters, laying comfort in their hands.

Стриженный йоркшир в одежде. Красивое фото Йоркшир с длинной шерстью. Красивое фото Йоркшир зимой. Красивое фото Йоркшир-девочка с длинной шерстью. Красивое фото

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