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Dog Species With Names

Catalogue of dogs

Популярные породы маленьких

The catalogue on the official Bosch feeding website provides detailed descriptions of dog species. For the user's convenience, dog species are located on alphabet. All articles are illustrated by photographs. If you've previously misunderstood the breeds of dogs or confused their names, once you've met the list in this section of the site, you'll be able to celebrate the extensive knowledge of our smaller brothers.

Photographs and nature

Each description of the dog species can be divided into several parts: a brief curiosity historical background, followed by practical information - average growth and weight, details of the shape of the bodywork (e.g. head and torso / nostril shape, eye and ear / dental size / type of taste, etc.). In addition to the photo, dog species notes on alphabet also necessarily include information on the length and nature of the wool, care and nutritional recommendations.

Even if a home animal has lived with you for not a year, and the names of dogs are known to be almost self-evident, we're sure there'll be new useful information on the website. For example, pay particular attention to the valuable food-care boards: how to make sadming/ how long to walk with a pet/ how physical loads are shown, etc.

Knowing the individual characteristics of dogs is just necessary if you've decided to start a pet, but you don't know what kind of species to stop. For example, calm and slow people don't think Irish netter's gonna fit, but the lask senbernars, on the contrary, are going to be fine in a family with a fine rhythm. Don't forget that all dog species require an individual approach.

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