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German Dog

German dog: description and nature of the species

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German dog is your big friend.

If you've decided to set up an impressive position dog, you can stop your choice on a German dog. This dog breed was removed in Germany. In 1880, the exhibition in Berlin identified the first standards for the species. In 1888, the German Dog took them as the foundation and changed several times over the years.

Description of dog species German Dog:

It is large enough: the weight of an adult German dose of 54 to 90 kilograms and the increase of 76 to 86 for cobbles and 45 to 65 kg and 71 to 81 cm for juice. The dog's head is stretched, narrow, well-designed, and there's a cross-section between the fore and the nose. Well-developed strong jaws, especially the top, but without that, it doesn't. The nose is wide, with large nostrils, mostly black, although it may be pink or telex. The pigeons have an anthrax. The eyes of the average size of the almond shape, live, exemplary, dark colour, the exclusion of the blue doses, they're bright. The height of the average length, the base is wider and, by the end, there is a natural bending. Dog's hair is very short, very nice, dense, sweet. The colour of the species may be very diverse: tiger, pale, black, archeal, blue, marble. The tiger colour of the wool may be from the light brown to the intense red brown with black strips, directed respectively by the ribs, such lasitude and colour. The pale is from pale golden to saturated red with a golden shade. Arlequin's the main color is white, where the pure black spots are painted. The black colour speaks for itself, the predominance of completely black, possibly the presence of small white marks. It also includes so-called plastic colours when the dog itself is black and the face, the chest, the stomach, the throat, the legs and the tip of the tail are white. Blacks are white dogs with a lot of black spots. Blue colour is gray, possibly small white spots. The marble is the main color of the snow-white, all over the torso stains of the wrong shape.

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