Tibetan Oil Price

The Tibetan Mastif woman was sold in the Chinese province of Jaejiang for 12 million yuan (more than $1,9 million), reporting Agence France-Presse with reference to local media.
The head of the construction company from the major industrial city of Cindao purchased a puppy worth $2 million. The chick has a beautiful golden colour and belongs to the species of Tibetan mastifs. The female has the right to be the most expensive dog in the world.
This purchase was presented in an interview with a local newspaper by the owner of a pet in the province of Jaejiang, who is responsible for the exploration of Tibetan mastifs.
According to the factory, another Tibetan-mass puppy, red-coloured, sold six million yuan (about a million dollars). The chicks of this breed are so high, because the purely natural Tibetan mastifs are very rare. And the origin of this species is ocutano myths and legends. Even liking Tibetan's mastif is considered to be a unique and highly valuable breed.
It's been a history of working dogs for five thousand years. The mastifs, which have been a guard dog in Tibetan monasteries for centuries, are now proud of the most expensive dogs in the world. The average price for puppies is $2,800. But there are exceptions. For example, the previous price record belonged to a representative of this breed purchased in 2011 for 10 million yuan (about $1,5 million).
The world ' s most expensive dogs also include lion bishops (other names are a lion dog, lechin). It's a breed of miniature decoration dog from France. Lyon bishops often portrayed Goya's painter on his foot. A puppy of leon bishops is worth $2,000 to 7,000.
In the third place of the rating, the pharaoh of the dog was laid. The history of this ancient species of hunting dogs begins at least 5,000 years ago. This is evidenced by their images found in ancient Egyptian tombs. The price of dogs in this species can reach $1,000 to 7,000.
The fourth at the cost of a dog is an affenpincher. This ancient breed of miniature quarters was ejected in Germany around the beginning of the sixteenth century. Their value may range from $1,500 to $4,000.