
To say that only a strong and reliable castle can save from thieves can only anyone who has never seen a " safe dog in the case " . This is a special kind of psovars who has been created to protect the territory, property, home and even children. By the way, some experts call the guard dog caravan, but the right thing to say is that caravan is one kind of guard.
The best guard can be seen right away, and the way the animal holds his behavior, walks, and even photos. For example, the perfect guard is in constant environmental research, inspecting the Territory, and " prosely " notes even the slightest change. When a dog enters her " zone " , she will be aggressive not by anyone who strangers but even by other animals. While outside the " zone " , a guard dog can be very nice to " communicate " with other dogs and even pretend to see strangers. The best guard dog is perfectly different from the normal territory she's assigned to guard and act accordingly.
Guard is the result of genes and training.
The quality of the guard dog is not just good genes from the same careful ancestors, it is also the result of long and hard practice. In every animal class, there is a scale where the leader is defined, so the top 10 of the best guard dogs always fall:
Best guard dogs.
In top 10, the best watchmen are the Caucasus sheep. This breed combines all the quality of the perfect guard, which does not just very popular, but also one of the most common. In principle, any guard dog His appearance is respectful, but the Caucasian is particularly important. It's not enough to ignore a beast of 74 cm to 88 cm, weighing 65 to 100 kg! The uniqueness of the Caucasus is its adaptiveness. Thanks to his thick wool, the dog is not afraid of either cold or heat, and it can be held both in the volley and just under the sky. But before we start the Kaucasian sheep as a dog to protect the house or courtyard, it is necessary to weigh well all the "za" and “south” because the species is furious enough and requires not only special regular training, but also socialization.