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Domestic Dog Species

What's the best dog in the world?

The dog breed is a lot. How can one of those numbers choose the best?

It's really hard to identify the best dog species. Ask any dogmaker, and he's gonna tell you that his pond is the smartest, loyal, beautiful and the most friendly. And how do you even know a best friend? Yet, years of dog breeding allowed not only external features, but also features of nature, to varying degrees. In addition, a dog-to-people relationship has developed in a way that a person often wants to benefit from a dog. For example, hunting aid, home security, cattle protection and others. So our dogs matter even the smallest and most invisible features. 'Cause they're the ones who can take us out. To recognize the top 10 of the best dog species, many different literatures were examined, films and owners were interviewed different dogs

10th place is occupied by Scottish Setter (Gordon)

This pond was removed in the first half of the nineteenth century from English old black-fashioned dogs. The pharmacy belonged to the Duke of Gordon.

Old hunting pond. The model was approved only in 1988. It's a very sympathetic, and the most exposable animal. The intelligent is above average.

The dog's pretty persistent, it could be a good job at every location. Setter has an excellent hunch, has a massive junction, an impressive shell and a stance style. A calm, obedient, loving master, a beautiful home dog. It's a good job.

Gordon's very loyal and perfectly adapted to life in the apartment. However, there is a need for intense physical pressures for full development and regular brushing. A dog with a beloved and friendly, treats kids. Not aggressive with other animals. There's a great smell and a great hunting talent. You can see the photo on the website.

Самые лучшие собаки в мире - топ 10

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