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Royal Dog

Two friends meet

Королевский дог

Two buddies meet. One says:
♪ I come back from work home last night, I see a beautiful girl sitting at the stop. I'm not looking at her in the eye, and she noticed me at that moment, came to me and said, "What's up? Do you want to fuck me?
I say, "Of course!" She's like, "When you come to my house and we're going to fuck!"
Second mate:
♪ So what happened next?
♪ She's out of the shower naked, she's got a two-litre mead bank. Sitting next to me on the bed, sliding my legs, sniffing my finger in the bank, smashing my dog's ass and saying, "Fuck away from me!" Well, I did. She repeats it all over and over and finally calls her dog, "Lord, come to me!" Lord's coming, breeds. Royal dogand licks her between her legs... ♪
♪ What happened next?

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