The Largest Tibetan Vase Photo
Tibetan Mastif is one of the oldest dogs that was a guard dog in Tibetan monasteries and assisted nomadic nomads in the Himalayas mountains. Starting from the first time in the antique times, this breed has always been surrounded by myths and legends. Aristotle (384 to 322 Messrs. to N.E.) and Marco Polo (in famous notes on travel to Asia in 1271), as well as many other authors, serve the natural strength and strength of Tibetan mastifs, both physical and mental.
Even liking Tibetan's mastif is considered to be a unique and highly valuable breed. The most outstanding cinemas, such as Martin, Yaatt, Menen, Beckmann, Zeber, as well as Stribel and Bilandt, which were enchanted by the origins of Tibetan Mastif and its place in Tibetan culture, were actively studying it. There is a view of many cinemas that Tibetan Mastif is a rotary of all species belonging to a group of molasses.
Tibetan's mastif has a thick, flat wool, which allows it to hold a round year under the open sky, not even a stable.
The color of Tibetan's mastif has magical meaning: the white stain on his chest is a sign of the brave heart, the bright spots above his eyes is another couple of eyes allowing a dog to look into a man's soul, to see his good or bad thoughts. It seems Tibetan's mastif never sleeps.
By nature, a calm, discreet dog, perhaps one of the few dogs that combines the ability to live in the family and to guard the house in perfect shape. With other dogs relatively friendly, aggression can be adequately addressed. One of the main characteristics of the species is pureness (sometimes similar to the cat) and independence towards the master.
Tibetan's dissection is not a special job, the dog is obedient and quick to remember. This breeding pod is very much like German.